Parish Office Phone: 586-725-3051
School Office Phone: 586-725-0078
Faith Formation Phone: 586-725-1762
*Effective Monday, August 2, 2021, the Parish Office Hours are adjusted as follows:
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
The office will be CLOSED from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm each of those 4 days for lunch.
The office will also be CLOSED on Fridays.
Weekends -
Saturday 4:30 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 Noon
Mass of Reparation for the sins of our country -
Third Monday of every month 7:00 PM (Reconciliation in church prior to Mass beginning at 6:15 PM)
Holy Day -
Please see parish bulletin for current schedule. The current issue of our parish bulletin may be found via our Bulletin & Downloads link.
Daily -
Monday - 8:30 AM
Tuesday - 6:30 PM
Wednesday - 8:30 AM (Summer we will have Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion at 8:30 AM)
Thursday - 8:30 AM
Reconciliation Thursday following Mass at 9:00 AM
Friday - 8:30 AM
Confessions: Saturday 3:30 PM, Thursday following morning Mass, and upon request.
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays following the 6:30pm Mass until 9pm Reposition. Every Friday from after the 8:30am Mass until Noon Reposition (unless scheduling conflicts), First Friday from after Mass until 2:30 pm Benediction.
Baptisms: Baptisms take place on designated Sundays of the month following 12:00 Noon Mass. Please stop by the parish office to register for baptism, including selecting dates for the baptismal preparation session and the baptism ceremony. Parents seeking baptism are encouraged to register and attend the session early, even before the child is born. To baptize children over three years old. additional preparation with the child will be required. Families seeking baptism should be registered members of Immaculate Conception.
Marriages: Church policy requires that marriage dates must be set at least six months in advance, in order to do proper preparation. Couples requesting marriage at Immaculate Conception must set up an appointment with the pastor to initiate marriage preparation. No wedding date can be set prior to an initial meeting with Father. At least one person to be married should be connected to the parish through registration or family affiliation.
Visiting the sick and Anointing: Anointing of the sick is given upon request of the family or individual. Please call the parish office or see the pastor to request anointing. Families should not wait until near death for the sacrament but request it while the recipient is able to consciously participate, with the obvious exception of sudden illness or accident. Those preparing for serious surgery are also encouraged to be anointed. To request a Communion visit or confession for the home bound, please call the parish office at 586-725-3051.
Immaculate Conception is part of the Blue Water Vicariate within the Archdiocese of Detroit.
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